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Be a Friend of Hopewell
Each year, thousands of youth and adults have life-changing and enriching experiences at Hopewell! While support is received from the presbytery, individuals, organizations and churches, there is still much more to be done in improvements, renovations, and program enhancement. You can join us in ministry by becoming a friend of Hopewell today!!
Why be a "Friend"?
As a friend of Hopewell, you will get the opportunity to gather and choose from a list of projects & purchases each year.
Underwrite capital improvements projects
Purchase programs and operational equipment
Enlarge the scholarship and diabetes funds
Contributions can be as little as $75, and no gift is too big and all gifts are tax deductible! Gifts can be designated at the time of giving or left undesignated until the annual gathering. Make a difference as a Friend of Hopewell! JOIN NOW
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